
Essential Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Energy Supplier

Energy Bills can be a real buzzkill. 

But do you know with the right supplier, you can save money, get better service, and go green? 


If you are living in one of the 15 states where the energy market is deregulated, you may be able to save upwards of 20% on your monthly electricity bill by switching energy providers. So, what is stopping you from switching and saving? 


However, the idea of switching can be very confusing. Among so many suppliers out there, how to choose an electric company that fulfills your needs? Don't worry; we've got you covered. In this blog, we'll dive into the key factors to consider when making your decision, ensuring you find an energy supplier that's truly a perfect fit.


Understanding Your Energy Needs

Before diving into the immense struggle of choosing your energy supplier, it is crucial to know and understand your energy needs. Just like choosing the right shoes depends on your activity level, selecting the right energy plan hinges on your unique consumption habits. 


So, how much energy do you actually use?

  • Check your bills: Your past energy bills are a treasure box of information. Analyze your past year's energy usage to get a sense of your average consumption. Look for trends: Do you use more energy during summer due to air conditioning? Are there specific months with significantly higher bills? 


  • Appliance audit: Take a closer look at your energy vampires (appliances that consume the most energy). Understand which appliances use the most energy (air conditioners, TVs on standby) and consider ways to optimize their usage.


  • Lifestyle factors: Are you home most evenings? Do you cook frequently? Knowing your daily routines helps you understand how consistently you need energy.


Now, let's talk plans:

  • Fixed-rate plans: These offer stability, locking in a set price for a specific period, regardless of market fluctuations. Ideal for those who dislike surprises and prefer predictability.


  • Variable-rate plans: Prices can fluctuate based on market trends, potentially offering lower costs during off-peak periods. Good for those who are comfortable with some risk and can adjust their energy usage accordingly.


  • Time-of-use plans: Charge different rates depending on the time of day, encouraging energy use during off-peak hours. Suitable for those with flexible schedules who can adjust their energy consumption habits.


It's also essential to consider any future changes in your energy usage, such as adding new appliances or expanding your living or working space. By understanding your energy needs now and in the future, you can make an informed decision when choosing an electricity provider or energy supplier that meets your requirements.


Key Features To Consider Before Choosing The One Energy Supplier


Pricing Structures

Energy suppliers offer different pricing structures to customers. Understanding these can help you choose the best option for your needs.

  • Fixed-Rate: With a fixed-rate plan, the price you pay for energy remains the same throughout your contract term. This provides stability and predictability, making it easier to budget. However, if energy prices drop, you won't benefit from the savings.


  • Variable Rate: A variable-rate plan means the price you pay for energy can fluctuate based on market conditions. While you might benefit from lower prices when energy costs are down, you could end up paying more during peak times.


  • Time-of-Use: Time-of-use plans charge different rates for energy depending on the time of day. Rates are typically higher during peak hours and lower during off-peak hours. This can incentivize customers to shift their energy usage to times when rates are lower.


Contract Terms and Length

Understanding the terms of your energy contract is essential. Pay attention to the length of the contract, as well as any early termination fees or auto-renewal clauses. Be wary of long-term contracts that lock you in at a fixed rate, as you may miss out on savings if energy prices drop.


Renewable Energy Options

Choosing a supplier that offers renewable energy options can have environmental benefits. Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are sustainable and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels.


Customer Service and Support

Good customer service is crucial when choosing an energy supplier. Look for suppliers with a reputation for responsive customer support and clear communication. Consider reading reviews and asking for recommendations from friends or family.


Energy Efficiency Programs

Many energy suppliers offer programs to help customers reduce their energy consumption. These programs can include rebates for energy-efficient appliances, home energy audits, and tips for reducing energy usage. Participating in these programs can lead to cost savings and a reduced environmental impact.


Reviews and Reputation

Before choosing an energy supplier, take the time to research their reputation. Look for reviews from current and past customers to get an idea of the level of service you can expect. Reliable sources for reviews include consumer advocacy websites and the Better Business Bureau.


Switching Made Easy- Step-By-Step Guide


Switching to the best supplier with the best plans is good, but How? It must be going on your mind. Here's a quick guide:

1. Compare and Conquer: Use online comparison tools to find plans that fit your needs and budget. Consider factors like price, contract length, and green energy options.

2. Choose Your Champion: Pick the supplier that ticks all your boxes. Don't be afraid to ask questions and clarify any doubts.

3. The Switch Flip: Your new supplier will handle most of the paperwork, but keep your current bill handy for reference.

4. Relax, It's Done! Sit back and enjoy the savings (and maybe a greener conscience)! The switch typically takes about 21 days, and your energy supply won't be interrupted.


Pitfalls to Avoid:

  • Exit fees: Check for early termination fees in your current contract and factor them into your decision.
  • Bait and switch: Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true. Read the fine print and understand all fees and terms.
  • Auto-renewal: Ensure you're aware of any automatic renewal clauses and make an informed decision about continuing with the supplier after your initial contract period.



Choosing the right energy supplier isn't just about saving money; and it's about empowering yourself to make informed decisions about your energy consumption and environmental impact. Remember, the "best" supplier is the one that perfectly aligns with your unique needs and priorities.


Key takeaways:

  • Know your energy habits: Understand your average consumption and identify areas for improvement.
  • Compare wisely: Explore different plans and suppliers, considering pricing, contract terms, and renewable options.
  • Don't fear the switch: Switching is simpler than you think, with minimal disruption and potential for significant savings.


Make an informed choice that reflects your values and empowers you to save money, embrace sustainability (choose green), and gain control over energy consumption. Compare gas and electricity prices out of the crowd and choose the best one. 


At My Energy Market, the process is very simple: Share the necessary information, compare the prices, and choose the one that best meets your requirements. Click here now.